Secondary Spring - Blue



Colecciones: EPI

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: EPI

Palabras claves: EPI


$ 706.80

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  • Lets you fine-tune shift rate, side load pressure and full shift out poundage
  • All EPI springs are manufactured using a 5% tolerance - the lowest in the industry

  • Peso: 0.3
    Alto: 2.44
    Largo: 6.18
    Ancho: 4.37
    Aditamentos:Specs:Color/Finish: Blue
    Compressed Length: 32 mm
    Compressed Load: 61 kg (135 lb)
    Installed Length: 64 mm
    Product Name: Spring
    Style: Secondary (Driven)
    Compressed Length: 32 mm (1,25")
    Installed Load: 33 kg
    Material: Chrome Silicon
    Riding Style: ATV
    Units: Each
    Compressed Length: 1.25"
    Compressed Load: 135 lb
    Compressed Load: 61 kg
    Installed Length: 64 mm (2,5")
    Installed Length: 2.5"
    Installed Load: 33 kg (73 lb)
    Installed Load: 73 lb
    Riding Style: UTV
    Type: Clutch