Performer Series Belt
Caracteristicas: A great performer for small-to-medium-displacement machines Manufactured for Parts Unlimited with the same top-quality materials found in Carlisle belts Exact OEM specifications for length, width and belt-to-clutch-sheave tolerances Flat-top construction The belt dimensions provided by Carlisle are for reference only. These dimensions should not be used to determine product functionality. Carlisle belts are built to exacting specifications and inspected with calibrated equipment at specified tensions to ensure strict dimensional compliance. Belt dimensions can vary from one manufacturer to another based on proprietary design information.
Peso: 1.13
Alto: 1.4
Largo: 18.45
Ancho: 6.0
Aditamentos:Enticer 400 LTR : 1989 XL-V 540 : 1987-1989-1988-1990-1985-1986 Enticer 340 E : 1980-1979 Enticer 340 T : 1983-1988-1982-1985-1984-1987-1986 Enticer II 410 LT : 1995-1994-1993 Excel III 340 : 1988-1985-1987-1984-1983-1986-1981 Excel V 540 : 1980-1979 Enticer 410 LTR : 1990-1991 Enticer 340 LTR : 1988 Phazer II 480 LE : 1990-1991 Phazer : 1988-1991-1989-1986-1984-1985-1990-1987 Phazer 480 Deluxe : 1988-1987-1989 Phazer II 480 : 1991-1990 Phazer 480 E : 1986-1985 SL 292 : 1971-1973-1972 SL 338 : 1971-1974-1973-1972-1970-1975 Phazer 480 Special Edition : 1984 SL 433 : 1972-1975-1973-1974 SR 643 : 1972-1973 SRV 540 : 1981-1980-1983-1985-1988-1982-1990-1989-1991-1984-1986-1987 SM 292 : 1974-1973-1975 SR 433 : 1971-1972-1973 Bravo 250 : 1983-1986-1993-1988-1985-1992-1982-1984-1989-1987-1990 Bravo 250 LT : 1996-1991-1994-1992-1993-1997-1995-1998-1990-2001-2000 Bravo 250 T : 1987 GP 300 : 1976 GP 433 : 1974-1975-1972-1973 GP 643 : 1973-1972 GS 300 : 1977-1976 GP 246 : 1974-1975 GP 292 : 1973-1975-1972-1974 GP 338 : 1973-1974-1975 GP 396 : 1971 GP 440 : 1977-1976 GPX 338 : 1975-1974 GPX 433 : 1975-1974 CF 300 Inviter : 1988-1990-1986-1987-1989-1991 VK 540 E : 1990-1991 VK 540 : 1988-1989 GS 340 : 1976-1977 Ovation 340 : 1991-1989-1990 Ovation Deluxe : 1989 SR 292 : 1973 SW 433 : 1972-1973 Ovation LE : 1990-1998-1993-1996-1991-1995-1992-1994-1997-1999 SL 351 : 1969 SS 440 : 1983-1981-1984-1982-1980-1985 SL 396 : 1970 SS 338 : 1970 Venture 500 XL : 1991 Exciter 570 Deluxe : 1988-1989 Enticer II 410 : 1992 Exciter 570 L/C : 1987 SSR : 1978 SS 396 : 1970 SS 433 : 1971 SW 433 E : 1971 SRX 340 : 1976 SW 396 : 1971 Phazer II 480 ST : 1991 Bravo Long Track : 1988-1989 SRX 440 : 1982-1979-1977-1976-1978-1980 Exciter 440 : 1978-1977-1976-1980-1979-1981 Exciter 340 : 1977-1978-1976 SRX 600 : 1986 Specs:Material: Polyester
Product Name: Drive Belt
Units: Each
Color/Finish: Black
Length: 1098,6 mm (43-1/4")
Length: 1098.6 mm
Width: 1-1/4"
Length: 43-1/4"
Material: Rubber
Model: Performer
Riding Style: Snow
Style: Ribbed
Peso: 1.13
Alto: 1.4
Largo: 18.45
Ancho: 6.0
Product Name: Drive Belt
Units: Each
Color/Finish: Black
Length: 1098,6 mm (43-1/4")
Length: 1098.6 mm
Width: 1-1/4"
Length: 43-1/4"
Material: Rubber
Model: Performer
Riding Style: Snow
Style: Ribbed