Roadsofa Carbon Fiber Backrest

Peso: 0.953 kg

SKU: 0822-0458

Colecciones: SADDLEMEN

Tipo de producto:


Palabras claves: SADDLEMEN

Disponibilidad: 20 artículo(s)

$ 2 673.50$ 3 578.74– 25%

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  • Mounts directly onto fender
  • Made in the U.S.A.
  • Is not compatible with Harley-Davidson Trike models.

  • Peso: 2.35
    Alto: 2.0
    Largo: 15.0
    Ancho: 11.5
    Aditamentos:Specs:Color/Finish: Black
    Model: Road Sofa
    Product Name: Backrest
    Units: Each
    Base Color: Black
    Decoration: Carbon Fiber
    Material: Vinyl
    Riding Style: Street