Template 2.52 Pitch 2-Ply Track

Peso: 0.005 kg

SKU: 3820-0034

Colecciones: WOODY'S

Tipo de producto:

Vendedor: WOODY'S

Palabras claves: WOODY'S

Disponibilidad: 20 artículo(s)

$ 679.60$ 869.42– 21%

Añadir a favoritos

  • Stud patterns on Woody's® templates are CAD-designed to maintain track balance
  • Follow the instructions and you will have the highest level of precision stud placement
  • Printed on laminated heavy card stock

  • Peso: 0.01
    Alto: 0.1
    Largo: 0.1
    Ancho: 0.1
    Aditamentos:Specs:for Track Length: 128"
    for Track Pitch: 2.52"
    for Track Width: 15"
    for Track Length: 325 cm
    Product Name: Studding Template
    Units: Each
    Application: Track
    for Track Ply Rating: 2 Ply
    for Track Width: 14"
    for Track Width: 35.5 cm
    for Track Width: 38 cm
    Riding Style: Snow
    for Track Pitch: 64 mm